Training + Nutrition Strategies for Peri + Post Menopausal Endurance Athletes

If you are over 40 and have been training for a while, you will likely have noticed some unwelcome changes in your body and your performance. You can thank your hormones for that. Perimenopause and menopause can be difficult times for endurance athletes. Many women experience unwanted weight gain. A good nights sleep becomes harder and harder to come by. We start to lose strength, muscle mass and speed. That in turn can affect your mojo / desire to continue in your chosen sport. Â But, thankfully there has been lot of recent research into how we can mitigate some of these changes.
Join Coach Tara Postnikoff and I as we guide you through how your training should change as a masters athlete. In the second edition of this clinic will provide you with strategies to help you thrive as a masters athlete. We’re covering endurance training principles, strength protocols as well as discussions on how to optimize sleep, recovery, and nutrition.
It all starts with a Zoom kick off call on Monday October 21st, followed by an in person strength session on Oct 27, a group run on Nov 10th and a wrap up Zwift/Zoom call on Nov 23rd In between that you’ll have access to 6 different modules as well as an online community experience.
This clinic is like the next level of HEAL’s Nutrition Reset program and coach PK’s Strength for Endurance program merged together with a special twist and emphasis on training as female endurance athletes. Limited to 15 participants and special early bird pricing in effect until August 15th.
1 Live online Zoom sessions (October 21st @ 6:30 pm)
1 in person strength session to go over movement patterns + form on October 27th (afternoon)
Including strength and mobility
8 week strength program
4 week menu plan
6 modules of in-depth information delivered on a weekly basis.
Getting Started- What is a master’s athlete and what is peri-menopause and menopause
Strength training as a master’s athlete
Endurance training as a master’s athlete
Sleep Optimization as a master’s athlete
Nutrition Optimization a master’s athlete
Supplementation as a master’s athlete
Online community experience
The strength program, menu plan and in person session are valued at $1000!
HEAL/PKPC coached athletes save $25 (email for link)
It’s time to invest in yourself so you can thrive as a masters female endurance athlete!
Enjoyable atmosphere as I was with like minded individuals.Tara and PK are not rigid in their approach and are pragmatic and realistic in helping athletes put their learnings into practice. This is really important – especially since Female Master Athletes have enough life pressures to contend with – LOL! You made it stress free and accessible for all. Both coaches adapted their content to meet the needs of the target audience. Strength exercises didn’t require having a gym membership and can be done at home. Nutrition covers a variety of options to suit any type of diet (carnivores, omnivores, etc.) and looks to expand conventional food offerings. I found the section on supplements quite valuable – especially given I do a lot of high-volume training and can’t possibly ingest all the foods I need to.